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Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"]
Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.

Gucci 古奇 and Other Luxury Brands in China

It is a well-known fact that the luxury market does quite well in China.  From cars to purses to bathroom fixtures, China has the demand and China has the money. Here is a list of some of the luxury brands that you will see in China. Most of them have a phonetic spelling.

You can click on all the red links to find out more about the characters in our Online Living Dictionary!

古奇 (gǔ qí) = Gucci

古 (gǔ) = ancient / old

奇 (qí) = strange / odd / weird / wonderful

普拉达 (pǔ lā dá) = Prada

普 (pǔ) = general / popular

拉 (lā) = to pull / to drag

达 (dá) = to attain / to reach

路易威登 (lù yì wēi dēng) = Louis Vuitton

路 (lù) = road / path / way

易 (yì) = change / easy / simple

威 (wēi ) = power / might / prestige

登 (dēng) = scale / climb / ascend / mount

宝马 (bǎo mǎ) = BMW

宝 (bǎo) = a jewel or gem / a treasure

马 (mǎ) = horse


奥迪 (ào dí) = Audi

奥 (ào) = obscure / mysterious

迪 (dí) = direct / to enlighten / to follow

梅塞德斯 (méi sài dé sī) = Mercedes

梅 (méi) = plum / plum flower

塞 (sài) = to stop up / to squeeze in / to stuff / cork

德 (dé) = virtue / goodness / morality

斯(sī) = (phonetic) / this

宝格丽 (bǎo gé lì) = Bvlgari

宝 (bǎo) = a jewel or gem / a treasure

格 (gé) = square / frame / rule

丽 (lì) = beautiful

bvlgari luxury brands

卡地亚 (kǎ dì yà) = Cartier

卡 (kǎ) = to stop / to block / card

地 (dì) = earth / ground / field / place

亚 (yà) = Asia / Asian

劳力士 (láo lì shì) = Rolex

劳 (láo) = toil

力 (lì) = power / force / strength

士 (shì) = scholar / warrior / knight

阿玛尼 (ā mǎ ní) = Giorgio Armani

乔治 (qiáo zhì) = George (name)

阿 (ā) = (phonetic character)

玛 (mǎ) = agate / cornelian

尼 (ní) = Buddhist nun

杰尼亚 (jié ní yà) = Ermenegildo Zegna

杰 (jié) = hero / heroic / outstanding person

尼 (ní) = Buddhist nun

亚 (yà) = Asia / Asian

范思哲 (Fànsīzhé) = Versace

范 (Fàn) = pattern / model / example

思 (sī) = to think / to consider

哲 (zhé) = philosophy / wise

versace luxury brands

蒂芙尼 (dì fú ní) = Tiffany & Co.

蒂 (dì) = stem of fruit

芙 (fú) = lotus

尼 (ní) = Buddhist nun

芬迪 (fēn dí) = Fendi

芬 (fēn) = perfume / fragrance

迪 (dí) = direct / to enlighten / to follow

卡尔文克莱因 (kǎ ěr wén kè lái yīn) = Calvin Klein

卡 (kǎ) = to stop / to block

尔 (ěr) = thus / so

文 (wén) = language / culture

克 (kè) = to be able to / to subdue / to restrain

文 (lái) = name of weed plant

因 (yīn) = because

爱马仕 (ài mǎ shì) = Hermès

爱 (ài) = to love / affection

马 (mǎ) = horse

仕 (shì) = to serve as an official / an official


迪奥(dí ào) = Dior

迪 (dí) = direct / to enlighten

奥 (ào) = obscure / mysterious

巴宝莉 (bā bǎo lì) = Burberry

巴 (bā) = to long for

宝 (bǎo) = jewel

莉 (lì) = jasmine

欧米茄表公司 (ōu mǐ jiā biǎo gōng sī) = Omega

欧 (ōu) = europe

米 (mǐ) = rice / meter

茄 (jiā) = phonetic character used in loanwords

表 (biǎo) = wrist or pocket watch

公司 (gōng sī) = company

香奈儿 (xiāng nàir) = Chanel

香 (xiāng) = fragrant / sweet

奈 (nài) = how can one help

儿 (er) = non-syllabic diminutive suffix

轩尼诗 (xuān ní shī) = Hennessy

轩 (xuān) = pavilion with a view

尼 (ní) = used in phonetic spellings

诗 (shī) = poem / poetry



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